
General purpose / miscellaneous functions. Includes functions to approximate continuous distributions with discrete ones, utility functions (and their derivatives), manipulation of discrete distributions, and basic plotting tools.


CARAutility(c, alpha) Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CARAutilityP(c, alpha) Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CARAutilityPP(c, alpha) Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CARAutilityPPP(c, alpha) Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CARAutilityP_inv(u, alpha) Evaluates the inverse of constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal utility function at marginal utility uP given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CARAutility_inv(u, alpha) Evaluates inverse of constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility function at utility level u given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CARAutility_invP(u, alpha) Evaluates the derivative of inverse of constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility function at utility level u given risk aversion parameter alpha.
CRRAutility(c, gam) Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.
CRRAutilityP(c, gam) Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.
CRRAutilityPP(c, gam) Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.
CRRAutilityPPP(c, gam) Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.
CRRAutilityPPPP(c, gam) Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal marginal marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.
CRRAutilityP_inv(uP, gam) Evaluates the inverse of the CRRA marginal utility function (with risk aversion parameter gam) at a given marginal utility level uP.
CRRAutilityP_invP(uP, gam) Evaluates the derivative of the inverse of the CRRA marginal utility function (with risk aversion parameter gam) at a given marginal utility level uP.
CRRAutility_inv(u, gam) Evaluates the inverse of the CRRA utility function (with risk aversion para- meter gam) at a given utility level u.
CRRAutility_invP(u, gam) Evaluates the derivative of the inverse of the CRRA utility function (with risk aversion parameter gam) at a given utility level u.
addDiscreteOutcome(distribution, x, p[, sort]) Adds a discrete outcome of x with probability p to an existing distribution, holding constant the relative probabilities of other outcomes.
addDiscreteOutcomeConstantMean(distribution, …) Adds a discrete outcome of x with probability p to an existing distribution, holding constant the relative probabilities of other outcomes and overall mean.
approxBeta(N[, a, b]) Calculate a discrete approximation to the beta distribution.
approxLognormal(N[, mu, sigma, tail_N, …]) Construct a discrete approximation to a lognormal distribution with underlying normal distribution N(mu,sigma).
approxLognormalGaussHermite(N[, mu, sigma])
approxMeanOneLognormal(N[, sigma]) Calculate a discrete approximation to a mean one lognormal distribution.
approxNormal(N[, mu, sigma])
approxUniform(N[, bot, top]) Makes a discrete approximation to a uniform distribution, given its bottom and top limits and number of points.
calcSubpopAvg(data, reference, cutoffs[, …]) Calculates the average of (weighted) data between cutoff percentiles of a reference variable.
calcWeightedAvg(data, weights) Generates a weighted average of simulated data.
combineIndepDstns(\*distributions) Given n lists (or tuples) whose elements represent n independent, discrete probability spaces (probabilities and values), construct a joint pmf over all combinations of these independent points.
epanechnikovKernel(x, ref_x[, h]) The Epanechnikov kernel.
getArgNames(function) Returns a list of strings naming all of the arguments for the passed function.
getLorenzShares(data[, weights, …]) Calculates the Lorenz curve at the requested percentiles of (weighted) data.
getPercentiles(data[, weights, percentiles, …]) Calculates the requested percentiles of (weighted) data.
kernelRegression(x, y[, bot, top, N, h]) Performs a non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson 1D kernel regression on given data with optionally specified range, number of points, and kernel bandwidth.
makeGridExpMult(ming, maxg, ng[, timestonest]) Make a multi-exponentially spaced grid.
makeMarkovApproxToNormal(x_grid, mu, sigma) Creates an approximation to a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma, returning a stochastic vector called p_vec, corresponding to values in x_grid.
makeMarkovApproxToNormalByMonteCarlo(x_grid, …) Creates an approximation to a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma, by Monte Carlo.
makeTauchenAR1(N[, sigma, rho, bound]) Function to return a discretized version of an AR1 process.
memoize(obj) A decorator to (potentially) make functions more efficient.
plotFuncs(functions, bottom, top[, N, …]) Plots 1D function(s) over a given range.
plotFuncsDer(functions, bottom, top[, N, …]) Plots the first derivative of 1D function(s) over a given range.


NullFunc A trivial class that acts as a placeholder “do nothing” function.
HARK.utilities.CARAutility(c, alpha)

Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.

c: float

Consumption value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float


HARK.utilities.CARAutilityP(c, alpha)

Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.

c: float

Consumption value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float

Marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CARAutilityPP(c, alpha)

Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.

c: float

Consumption value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float

Marginal marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CARAutilityPPP(c, alpha)

Evaluates constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter alpha.

c: float

Consumption value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float

Marginal marginal marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CARAutilityP_inv(u, alpha)

Evaluates the inverse of constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) marginal utility function at marginal utility uP given risk aversion parameter alpha.

u: float

Utility value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float

Consumption value corresponding to uP

HARK.utilities.CARAutility_inv(u, alpha)

Evaluates inverse of constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility function at utility level u given risk aversion parameter alpha.

u: float

Utility value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float

Consumption value corresponding to u

HARK.utilities.CARAutility_invP(u, alpha)

Evaluates the derivative of inverse of constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility function at utility level u given risk aversion parameter alpha.

u: float

Utility value

alpha: float

Risk aversion

(unnamed): float

Marginal onsumption value corresponding to u

HARK.utilities.CRRAutility(c, gam)

Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.

c : float

Consumption value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float


HARK.utilities.CRRAutilityP(c, gam)

Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.

c : float

Consumption value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CRRAutilityPP(c, gam)

Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.

c : float

Consumption value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Marginal marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CRRAutilityPPP(c, gam)

Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.

c : float

Consumption value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Marginal marginal marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CRRAutilityPPPP(c, gam)

Evaluates constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) marginal marginal marginal marginal utility of consumption c given risk aversion parameter gam.

c : float

Consumption value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Marginal marginal marginal marginal utility

HARK.utilities.CRRAutilityP_inv(uP, gam)

Evaluates the inverse of the CRRA marginal utility function (with risk aversion parameter gam) at a given marginal utility level uP.

uP : float

Marginal utility value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Consumption corresponding to given marginal utility value.

HARK.utilities.CRRAutilityP_invP(uP, gam)

Evaluates the derivative of the inverse of the CRRA marginal utility function (with risk aversion parameter gam) at a given marginal utility level uP.

uP : float

Marginal utility value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Marginal consumption corresponding to given marginal utility value

HARK.utilities.CRRAutility_inv(u, gam)

Evaluates the inverse of the CRRA utility function (with risk aversion para- meter gam) at a given utility level u.

u : float

Utility value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Consumption corresponding to given utility value

HARK.utilities.CRRAutility_invP(u, gam)

Evaluates the derivative of the inverse of the CRRA utility function (with risk aversion parameter gam) at a given utility level u.

u : float

Utility value

gam : float

Risk aversion

(unnamed) : float

Marginal consumption corresponding to given utility value

class HARK.utilities.NullFunc

A trivial class that acts as a placeholder “do nothing” function.


__call__(self, \*args) Returns meaningless output no matter what the input(s) is.
distance(self, other) Trivial distance metric that only cares whether the other object is also an instance of NullFunc.
distance(self, other)

Trivial distance metric that only cares whether the other object is also an instance of NullFunc. Intentionally does not inherit from HARKobject as this might create dependency problems.

other : any

Any object for comparison to this instance of NullFunc.

(unnamed) : float

The distance between self and other. Returns 0 if other is also a NullFunc; otherwise returns an arbitrary high number.

HARK.utilities.addDiscreteOutcome(distribution, x, p, sort=False)

Adds a discrete outcome of x with probability p to an existing distribution, holding constant the relative probabilities of other outcomes.

distribution : [np.array]

Two element list containing a list of probabilities and a list of outcomes.

x : float

The new value to be added to the distribution.

p : float

The probability of the discrete outcome x occuring.

X : np.array

Discrete points for discrete probability mass function.

pmf : np.array

Probability associated with each point in X.

Written by Matthew N. White
Latest update: 11 December 2015
HARK.utilities.addDiscreteOutcomeConstantMean(distribution, x, p, sort=False)

Adds a discrete outcome of x with probability p to an existing distribution, holding constant the relative probabilities of other outcomes and overall mean.

distribution : [np.array]

Two element list containing a list of probabilities and a list of outcomes.

x : float

The new value to be added to the distribution.

p : float

The probability of the discrete outcome x occuring.

sort: bool

Whether or not to sort X before returning it

X : np.array

Discrete points for discrete probability mass function.

pmf : np.array

Probability associated with each point in X.

Written by Matthew N. White
Latest update: 08 December 2015 by David Low
HARK.utilities.approxBeta(N, a=1.0, b=1.0)

Calculate a discrete approximation to the beta distribution. May be quite slow, as it uses a rudimentary numeric integration method to generate the discrete approximation.

N : int

Size of discrete space vector to be returned.

a : float

First shape parameter (sometimes called alpha).

b : float

Second shape parameter (sometimes called beta).

X : np.array

Discrete points for discrete probability mass function.

pmf : np.array

Probability associated with each point in X.

HARK.utilities.approxLognormal(N, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, tail_N=0, tail_bound=[0.02, 0.98], tail_order=2.718281828459045)

Construct a discrete approximation to a lognormal distribution with underlying normal distribution N(mu,sigma). Makes an equiprobable distribution by default, but user can optionally request augmented tails with exponentially sized point masses. This can improve solution accuracy in some models.

N: int

Number of discrete points in the “main part” of the approximation.

mu: float

Mean of underlying normal distribution.

sigma: float

Standard deviation of underlying normal distribution.

tail_N: int

Number of points in each “tail part” of the approximation; 0 = no tail.

tail_bound: [float]

CDF boundaries of the tails vs main portion; tail_bound[0] is the lower tail bound, tail_bound[1] is the upper tail bound. Inoperative when tail_N = 0. Can make “one tailed” approximations with 0.0 or 1.0.

tail_order: float

Factor by which consecutive point masses in a “tail part” differ in probability. Should be >= 1 for sensible spacing.

pmf: np.ndarray

Probabilities for discrete probability mass function.

X: np.ndarray

Discrete values in probability mass function.

Written by Luca Gerotto
Based on Matab function “setup_workspace.m,” from Chris Carroll’s

[Solution Methods for Microeconomic Dynamic Optimization Problems] (http://www.econ2.jhu.edu/people/ccarroll/solvingmicrodsops/) toolkit.

Latest update: 11 February 2017 by Matthew N. White
HARK.utilities.approxMeanOneLognormal(N, sigma=1.0, **kwargs)

Calculate a discrete approximation to a mean one lognormal distribution. Based on function approxLognormal; see that function’s documentation for further notes.

N : int

Size of discrete space vector to be returned.

sigma : float

standard deviation associated with underlying normal probability distribution.

X : np.array

Discrete points for discrete probability mass function.

pmf : np.array

Probability associated with each point in X.

Written by Nathan M. Palmer
Based on Matab function “setup_shocks.m,” from Chris Carroll’s

[Solution Methods for Microeconomic Dynamic Optimization Problems] (http://www.econ2.jhu.edu/people/ccarroll/solvingmicrodsops/) toolkit.

Latest update: 01 May 2015
HARK.utilities.approxUniform(N, bot=0.0, top=1.0)

Makes a discrete approximation to a uniform distribution, given its bottom and top limits and number of points.

N : int

The number of points in the discrete approximation

bot : float

The bottom of the uniform distribution

top : float

The top of the uniform distribution

(unnamed) : np.array

An equiprobable discrete approximation to the uniform distribution.

HARK.utilities.calcSubpopAvg(data, reference, cutoffs, weights=None)

Calculates the average of (weighted) data between cutoff percentiles of a reference variable.

data : numpy.array

A 1D array of float data.

reference : numpy.array

A 1D array of float data of the same length as data.

cutoffs : [(float,float)]

A list of doubles with the lower and upper percentile bounds (should be in [0,1]).

weights : numpy.array

A weighting vector for the data.


The (weighted) average of data that falls within the cutoff percentiles of reference.

HARK.utilities.calcWeightedAvg(data, weights)

Generates a weighted average of simulated data. The Nth row of data is averaged and then weighted by the Nth element of weights in an aggregate average.

data : numpy.array

An array of data with N rows of J floats

weights : numpy.array

A length N array of weights for the N rows of data.

weighted_sum : float

The weighted sum of the data.


Given n lists (or tuples) whose elements represent n independent, discrete probability spaces (probabilities and values), construct a joint pmf over all combinations of these independent points. Can take multivariate discrete distributions as inputs.

distributions : [np.array]

Arbitrary number of distributions (pmfs). Each pmf is a list or tuple. For each pmf, the first vector is probabilities and all subsequent vectors are values. For each pmf, this should be true: len(X_pmf[0]) == len(X_pmf[j]) for j in range(1,len(distributions))

List of arrays, consisting of:
P_out: np.array

Probability associated with each point in X_out.

X_out: np.array (as many as in *distributions)

Discrete points for the joint discrete probability mass function.

Written by Nathan Palmer
Latest update: 5 July August 2017 by Matthew N White
HARK.utilities.epanechnikovKernel(x, ref_x, h=1.0)

The Epanechnikov kernel.

x : np.array

Values at which to evaluate the kernel

x_ref : float

The reference point

h : float

Kernel bandwidth

out : np.array

Kernel values at each value of x


Returns a list of strings naming all of the arguments for the passed function.

function : function

A function whose argument names are wanted.

argNames : [string]

The names of the arguments of function.

HARK.utilities.getLorenzShares(data, weights=None, percentiles=[0.5], presorted=False)

Calculates the Lorenz curve at the requested percentiles of (weighted) data. Median by default.

data : numpy.array

A 1D array of float data.

weights : numpy.array

A weighting vector for the data.

percentiles : [float]

A list of percentiles to calculate for the data. Each element should be in (0,1).

presorted : boolean

Indicator for whether data has already been sorted.

lorenz_out : numpy.array

The requested Lorenz curve points of the data.

HARK.utilities.getPercentiles(data, weights=None, percentiles=[0.5], presorted=False)

Calculates the requested percentiles of (weighted) data. Median by default.

data : numpy.array

A 1D array of float data.

weights : np.array

A weighting vector for the data.

percentiles : [float]

A list of percentiles to calculate for the data. Each element should be in (0,1).

presorted : boolean

Indicator for whether data has already been sorted.

pctl_out : numpy.array

The requested percentiles of the data.

HARK.utilities.kernelRegression(x, y, bot=None, top=None, N=500, h=None)

Performs a non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson 1D kernel regression on given data with optionally specified range, number of points, and kernel bandwidth.

x : np.array

The independent variable in the kernel regression.

y : np.array

The dependent variable in the kernel regression.

bot : float

Minimum value of interest in the regression; defaults to min(x).

top : float

Maximum value of interest in the regression; defaults to max(y).

N : int

Number of points to compute.

h : float

The bandwidth of the (Epanechnikov) kernel. To-do: GENERALIZE.

regression : LinearInterp

A piecewise locally linear kernel regression: y = f(x).

HARK.utilities.makeGridExpMult(ming, maxg, ng, timestonest=20)

Make a multi-exponentially spaced grid.

ming : float

Minimum value of the grid

maxg : float

Maximum value of the grid

ng : int

The number of grid points

timestonest : int

the number of times to nest the exponentiation

points : np.array

A multi-exponentially spaced grid

Original Matab code can be found in Chris Carroll’s
[Solution Methods for Microeconomic Dynamic Optimization Problems]
(http://www.econ2.jhu.edu/people/ccarroll/solvingmicrodsops/) toolkit.
Latest update: 01 May 2015
HARK.utilities.makeMarkovApproxToNormal(x_grid, mu, sigma, K=351, bound=3.5)

Creates an approximation to a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma, returning a stochastic vector called p_vec, corresponding to values in x_grid. If a RV is distributed x~N(mu,sigma), then the expectation of a continuous function f() is E[f(x)] = numpy.dot(p_vec,f(x_grid)).

x_grid: numpy.array

A sorted 1D array of floats representing discrete values that a normally distributed RV could take on.

mu: float

Mean of the normal distribution to be approximated.

sigma: float

Standard deviation of the normal distribution to be approximated.

K: int

Number of points in the normal distribution to sample.

bound: float

Truncation bound of the normal distribution, as +/- bound*sigma.

p_vec: numpy.array

A stochastic vector with probability weights for each x in x_grid.

HARK.utilities.makeMarkovApproxToNormalByMonteCarlo(x_grid, mu, sigma, N_draws=10000)

Creates an approximation to a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma, by Monte Carlo. Returns a stochastic vector called p_vec, corresponding to values in x_grid. If a RV is distributed x~N(mu,sigma), then the expectation of a continuous function f() is E[f(x)] = numpy.dot(p_vec,f(x_grid)).

x_grid: numpy.array

A sorted 1D array of floats representing discrete values that a normally distributed RV could take on.

mu: float

Mean of the normal distribution to be approximated.

sigma: float

Standard deviation of the normal distribution to be approximated.

N_draws: int

Number of draws to use in Monte Carlo.

p_vec: numpy.array

A stochastic vector with probability weights for each x in x_grid.

HARK.utilities.makeTauchenAR1(N, sigma=1.0, rho=0.9, bound=3.0)

Function to return a discretized version of an AR1 process. See http://www.fperri.net/TEACHING/macrotheory08/numerical.pdf for details

N: int

Size of discretized grid

sigma: float

Standard deviation of the error term

rho: float

AR1 coefficient

bound: float

The highest (lowest) grid point will be bound (-bound) multiplied by the unconditional standard deviation of the process

y: np.array

Grid points on which the discretized process takes values

trans_matrix: np.array

Markov transition array for the discretized process

Written by Edmund S. Crawley
Latest update: 27 October 2017

A decorator to (potentially) make functions more efficient.

With this decorator, functions will “remember” if they have been evaluated with given inputs before. If they have, they will “remember” the outputs that have already been calculated for those inputs, rather than calculating them again.

HARK.utilities.plotFuncs(functions, bottom, top, N=1000, legend_kwds=None)

Plots 1D function(s) over a given range.

functions : [function] or function

A single function, or a list of functions, to be plotted.

bottom : float

The lower limit of the domain to be plotted.

top : float

The upper limit of the domain to be plotted.

N : int

Number of points in the domain to evaluate.

legend_kwds: None, or dictionary

If not None, the keyword dictionary to pass to plt.legend

HARK.utilities.plotFuncsDer(functions, bottom, top, N=1000, legend_kwds=None)

Plots the first derivative of 1D function(s) over a given range.

function : function

A function or list of functions, the derivatives of which are to be plotted.

bottom : float

The lower limit of the domain to be plotted.

top : float

The upper limit of the domain to be plotted.

N : int

Number of points in the domain to evaluate.

legend_kwds: None, or dictionary

If not None, the keyword dictionary to pass to plt.legend
